Tuesday, September 28, 2010

False start today..still hurting

Got a fairly early start today..09:00, and felt pretty good. An hour out, though, I started to unravel. Stopped at my parent's place in Harris for tea, and to deliver the new computer mouse I promised. Something just didn't feel right. Heading south once again, I got to Rosetown, and pulled into the 7-11, and sat there for about 10 minutes, and felt like I had nothing left to give..wasted. This is stupid, I thought. Not wanting to calf out this early, I felt it best to head back. On the way back, I encountered the most savage cross wind I have ever ridden through.....really. Big D is no light weight, and she was tossed around like a toy. I found that it was easier to let the wind turn my helmet sideways, and turn the globes to see ahead. By the time I got home, I was totally wasted, and had a major coffee headache to boot. Picked up a Timmy, and fell asleep in the back yard. Hoping to take one more crack at it..maybe tomorrow. I know that if I get south and over the pass, I should be ok. Maybe I'll take saskff's advice...take a couple tylenol, and hit the road.

over and out      philly


  1. listening to your body is wisdom. good luck with the weather. there are big open windows at this time of year, just a matter of timing. electric vest?

  2. Giddy up!!
    Some great pics there amigo!
