Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to the start

Blast off day tomorrow. I thought I would be riding solo, but my best buddy Bruce is tagging aslong for the first week or so. I hope to be gone for at least three weeks, seeing as much of the countryside as possible. A loose travel itinerary is ....starting at Saskatoon...head west until we see mountains, then ride up and down them....taking in all the wonderous beauty along the way. Then solo either to Alaska, or if the weather is crappy, to Washington state. I would like to thank my wife and family for holding down the fort until I return. One down side could be that I will discover how expendable I really am. No worries...I kind of like it that way. Also, thanks to Oisin, a motorcycle traveller who recently did a RTW trip, following Ewan and Charlie's route, only going totally solo. Oisin's efforts spurred me to start my own series of adventures. Another thanks to Moira, a little vegan girlie who does the Alcan solo on a regular basis...she is living proof that a positive attitude and love of life spirit can make the most of any situation..even when she is freezing her ass at the Alaska border with a broken bike. Also, the sudden death of a friend at the age of 52 was a wake up call to live every day to the fullest. That being said...the adventure begins.


  1. Yes, beautiful Lake Wheezie.Hotel rent cosst as much as your bike. We will check your blog each day and see whas up on your travels.Keep your stick on the ice, and have fun.

  2. Lets have more details on your trip. Let us know some of the day's details - weather, road conditions, etc. Pat
