Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fort Nelson to Liard River Hot Springs

Internet is a hard commodity up north, so this post is a little delayed. Yesterday was a savage day. Many times I cursed the road, the conditions, my plan....every thing seemed to be weighed against me completing this journey. When I woke at Ft. Nelson, the day seemed to be like the last...foggy and dreary. As I was giving my bike a "shampoo in hotel garbage can wing wash", one  of my neighbours said "you must be pretty brave riding that bike up here". I replied  "I have a different word to describe what I'm starts with "s". However, things were about to change. As I started up the Alcan toward Liard, the fog lifted to reveal a blue sky, a warm sun, and not a breath of wind. The first hour or so was kind of ho hum, but then the true beauty of the road unfolded in front of me...for mile after mile the scenery was so spectacular, I had to stop to marvel at it, else I stray off a cliff, and become a statistic. The pics cannot lend the full beauty and scope, but it will give you an idea of what is there.

Upon arriving at Liard, I checked into my room (sorry, too much of a wiener to camp, but if I'd known the camp ground was so juicy, I certainly would have)...then moseed down to the hot pools. I know you might say "well, we have hot springs here, so why go all the way there". The answer would be "not like this". Perhaps it's the journey, or the meditative's just special, and I'm glad I did it. "and that's all I have to say about that".

over and out....philly


  1. So are you still in BC? Is that the Peace Bridge?
    Glad you're back and not a statistic. The pictures are awesome.

  2. Looks fairly remote alright. Nice pics.

  3. Back at home base for an over due service. In a holding pattern until I see a weather window. I'm not sure if that was the peace or not..I know I went over it somewhere.
